Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Vaga Servisu Junho 2015

ANP Timor-Leste – Duas Pocicoes – CD 23 de Juño de 2015


Job Vacancy – Two Positions

Autoridade Nacional do Petroléo (ANP) hanesan orgaun ida ne’ebé responsabiliza ba maneija, regula, no kontrola atividade minarai iha Tasi Timor hanesan area konjunta ba desenvlvimentu petróleo no area esklusiva Timor-Leste nian. Agora dadaun ANP hakarak rekruta tan Profesional Timor Oan nain rua (2) ba pozisaun :
1. Jerente Perfurasaun no Produsaun (Manager Drilling and Production) 
2. Jerente Finansas no Garantia Fiskal (Manager of Finance & Fiscal Assurance)
Ba ita bo’ot sira ne’ebé iha interese ba pozisaun rua ne’e, bele haruka ita boot sira nia dokumentus sira hanesan CV anexu ho sertifikadu lisensiatura, transkrisaun, kartaun eleitoral ka bileti identidade, no documentus sira seluk inklui Cover Letter ne’ebé esplika kona ba ita bo’ot nia abilidade profesional ba pozisaun refere no haruka ba iha Departamentu Rekursu Umanu ANP nian ka liu husi karta elektronika/email
Ita bo’ot sira nia aplikasaun no CV ka resumu tenki hakerek ho lian Ingles no inklui mos lista pesoal ba referensia nain tolu.
Atu bele hetan informasaun klaru liu tan kona ba kriteria Esensial no deskrisaun Serbisu nian, bele download hodi klik iha link tuir mai nee:

ka visita:
 Edefisiu ANP nian iha Palácio do Governo iha Departamentu Rekursu Umanu nian, ka kontaktu liu husi numiru telefone: 332-4098 ka email ba iha
 Vaga ne’e sei taka iha loron 23 Juñu 2015, tuku 05.00 loro-kraik. ANP sei kontaktu deit Kandidatus sira ne’ebe maka pasa ona prosesu short-listed.
ANP promove oportunidade serbisu hanesan ba jéneru hot-hotu iha Timor-Leste. 
ANP investe makas iha Dezenvolvimentu kapasitasaun ba Rekursu Umanu sira.
Dili, 8 Juñu 2015

Dores Vilanova
Ofisial Rekursu Umanu

PS: Bele download avisu vaga serbisu nee iha formatu PDF hodi klik iha nee.

ChildFund Timor Leste – Technical Officer for Youth Training and Employment – CD 26 de Juno de 2015

ChildFund Timor Leste
Vacancy Announcement for Technical Officer for Youth Training and Employment.
ChildFund Timor Leste, Non-Governmental, child development International organization, has been working in Timor Leste for over 20 years. ChildFund is looking for dynamic, motivated, committed and experienced persons to fill open position in the organization.

Salary: A competitive salary based on qualification and experience; friendly work environment, team work and opportunity to grow. Good opportunity to learn community development programming

Position: Technical Officer for Youth Training and Employment (1) Based Dili
Report to: Youth Project Manager 
Summary of the position:
The Technical Officer for Youth Training and Employment shall be responsible for the training arm of the Youth Employment Project that is funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade through ChildFund New Zealand.  Primarily, the staff shall design, implement and evaluate lifeskills training program of the youth. In addition assist the Project Manager in monitoring technical skills training of the youth through accredited training providers, as well as link youth to various industry and business network.
Specific duties

A.                  Capacity building

1.       Design and develop appropriate lifeskills training curriculum for youth enrolled in different technical and business training programs
2.       Implement the lifeskills training curriculum
3.       Develop and conduct assessment on youth’s participation to lifeskills training program
4.       Develop and conduct post-training mentorship program to youth at the workplace

Peace Corps Timor Leste – Technical Trainer (TT) – CD 21 de Juno de 2015

Peace Corps Timor Leste
Peace Corps Timor Leste

Position Announcement

The United States Peace Corps program in Timor-Leste seeks a qualified and motivated candidate for the following short-term position (approximately 95 working days; 1 week training (August 24-28) and start date on or about September 8):
Pre-Service Training (PST) Technical Trainer
The United Peace Corps is a non-political, non-religious organization. The Peace Corps is an agency of the United States Government and was founded by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. General information about Peace Corps can be found
The Technical Trainer (TT) is responsible for the design and implementation of a training course for Peace Corps trainees that is based upon the core competencies and the learning objectives for Peace Corps Timor-Leste Pre-Service Training (PST). Implementation of this training may include formal group training sessions, small group sessions, assignment to be completed both in groups and individually, facilitated sessions; practicum in the group of community, with youth group, women group and with local organizations; visits to local organizations/institutions, and post-PST ongoing learning assignments. The work of the Technical Trainer is under the management and direction of the Training Manager.  The Technical Trainer is responsible for working with other staff to plan and coordinate these activities and others that makes up the training. The Training Manager will oversee the Technical Trainer’s activities on a daily basis.
This is a contracted position and requires living and working fulltime at the central PST training site, with frequent travel to training cluster and/or Dili. The TT will be required to follow a six-day work week, with additional preparation time and activities in the evening, and on weekend and holidays.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
*      Help create & implement Pre-Service holistic community-based and experiential adult training driven by Core Competencies and Learning Objectives, aimed at preparing the trainees for a successful start to the first 6 months of service, keeping in mind that this Pre-Service Training is part of ongoing training throughout Peace Corps Service;
*      Facilitate/Co-facilitate grassroots community development, cross-cultural or other training sessions as appropriate;
*      Assist in the review and revision of the technical assignments and resource materials for Trainees;
*      Assist in the organization and implementation of the Trainees’ practicum and project activities at cluster sites;
*      Assist in the review and revision of the technical assignments and resource materials for Trainees;

ü  Any university degree
ü  Minimum three years’ experience working in a program and training support role (five years preferred for maximum consideration)
ü  Strong training skills; ability to work as a member of a training team and to interact with diverse PCTs;
ü  Training experience with international organizations (preferred);
ü  Flexibility and good counseling skills;
ü  Fluency in Tetun and English required;
ü  Administrative skills.
ü  Ability to think independently with little supervision; willing to learn new approaches and tolerate flexible working hours;
ü  Personal integrity, strong cross-cultural skills, good interpersonal skills, and the ability to work in a busy and intense team environment; and
ü  Ability to stay in the training community during the Pre-Service Training period.
This position is a FSN grade equivalent of 8 and it has a salary range of approximately $3,500 – $3,800 for the total period of performance.  Housing during the PST training period will be provided at the training site. No other benefits are provided.

Important!  For consideration, all applicants must submit a Resume (CV) of NO MORE THAN 4 PAGES, together with a Cover Letter stating in detail how their education and experience fulfills the requirements of the position.  Submitted material must address each listed requirement.  Both Cover Letter and Resume (CV) must be type written in English, saved as a Word or PDF file with applicant’s name in the filename (example: JSmith_CV.pdf, JSmith_Cover_Letter.pdf) and emailed to:easttimorpc@peacecorps.govEmail subject line should state:Application for Tech Trainer.
Closing date: Applications must be received no later than midnight, Sunday June 21stfor maximum consideration. No phone calls or personal visits related to this vacancy will be accepted. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

The Peace Corps is an equal opportunity employer.

Peace Corps Timor Leste – Homestay Coordinator (HC) – CD 21 de Juno de 2015

Peace Corps Timor Leste
Peace Corps Timor Leste

Position Announcement

The United States Peace Corps program in Timor-Leste seeks a qualified and motivated candidate for the following short-term position (approximately 104 working days; approximate start date on or about August 24):
Pre-Service Training (PST) Homestay Coordinator
The United Peace Corps is a non-political, non-religious organization. The Peace Corps is an agency of the United States Government and was founded by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. General information about Peace Corps can be found
The Homestay Coordinator (HC) is responsible for the design, promotion, and implementation of the homestay program that is an integral component of Pre-Service Training (PST). She/he will plan the program, direct the search and selection of host families, and offer ongoing support and guidance to families, trainees, and Language/Cross Culture Facilitators (LCFs) throughout PST. The HC is under the day-to-day management of the Training manager.  In collaboration with the Language & Cross – Cultural Coordinator (LCC) she/he will draw on local people and resources to direct the trainees’ cultural adaptation during PST through formal sessions, assignment in the training cluster, and special events.
This is a contracted position and requires living and working fulltime at the central PST training site, with frequent travel to training cluster and/or Dili. The HC will be required to follow a six-day work week, with additional preparation time and activities in the evening, and on weekend and holidays.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
*      Learns and understands Peace Corps’ goals, policies, training philosophy and design, performance objectives and evaluation methods;
*      Develop a written host family selection strategy as well as a homestay family handbook, considering Peace Corps standards in other countries, as well as the cultural and environmental context of Timor-Leste;
*      Collaborates with the LCC, TM and other PST staff in the final preparation of the training design and Calendar of Training Events (COTE). Schedule and plan both formal classroom sessions on homestay topics, as well as activities to be conducted in training clusters and on excursions;
*      Conduct interview visits to all potential host families. Select final host families (with several alternates). Composes and prepares host family agreements and other necessary documents;
*      Maintain a professional and positive public image with the training staff, Trainees and the local community.

ü  Bachelor’s degree in communication, education, or other relevant field;
ü  Demonstrated experience in multi-cultural environment is required; Preferred (for full consideration):  Prior cross-cultural training experience with an international organization; strong facilitation skills; able to design and conduct dynamic cross-cultural sessions.  Prior experience designing and implementing homestay programs.
ü  Knowledge of diverse customs and practices in various regions of Timor Leste and the ability to communicate these to Americans;
ü  Ability to work within a cross-cultural team which includes American and Timorese Staff;
ü  Fluency in English and Tetun; strong written English skills;
ü  Personal skills: flexible, adaptable, reliable, sense of humor, sensitivity to gender and diversity issues;
ü  Ability to think independently with little supervision; willing to learn new approaches and tolerate flexible working hours;
ü  Personal integrity, strong cross-cultural skills, good interpersonal skills, and the ability to work in a busy and intense team environment;
ü  Ability to stay in the training community during the Pre-Service Training period.
Preferred (for maximum consideration):
ü  Prior experience working with Americans and/or experience living abroad preferred
ü  Excellent facilitation and presentation skills; comfortable leading sessions for big groups
ü  Strong computer, communication, and organizational skills
This position is a FSN grade equivalent of 6 and it has a salary range of approximately $2,500 – $2,700 for the total period of performance.  Housing during the PST training period will be provided at the training site. No other benefits are provided.

Important!  For consideration, all applicants must submit a Resume (CV) of NO MORE THAN 4 PAGES, together with a Cover Letter stating in detail how their education and experience fulfills the requirements of the position.  Submitted material must address each listed requirement.  Both Cover Letter and Resume (CV) must be type written in English, saved as a Word or PDF file with applicant’s name in the filename (example: JSmith_CV.pdf, JSmith_Cover_Letter.pdf) and emailed to:easttimorpc@peacecorps.govEmail subject line should stateApplication for Homestay Coordinator.
Closing date: Applications must be received no later than midnight, Sunday June 21stfor maximum consideration. No phone calls or personal visits related to this vacancy will be accepted. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

The Peace Corps is an equal opportunity employer.

Peace Corps Timor Leste – Administrative & Logistics Assistant (ALA) – CD 21 de Juno de 2015

Peace Corps Timor Leste
Peace Corps Timor Leste

Position Announcement

The United States Peace Corps program in Timor-Leste seeks a qualified and motivated candidate for the following short-term position (approximately 95 working days; 1 week training (August 24-28) and start date on or about September 8):
Pre-Service Training (PST) Administrative & Logistics Assistant
The United Peace Corps is a non-political, non-religious organization. The Peace Corps is an agency of the United States Government and was founded by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. General information about Peace Corps can be found
The Administrative & Logistics Assistant (ALA) is responsible for the overall administration and logistical component of Pre-Service Training (PST). The day-to-day work of the ALA is under the management and direction of the Training Manger.  The ALA will work closely with Training Manager (TM), Program and Training Assistant (PTA), Homestay Coordinator, the training team and other Peace Corps departments to ensure that logistics/administration is provided and effective support is given to both PST staff and trainees throughout the Training of Trainer (TOT) and PST events.
This is a contracted position and requires living and working fulltime at the central PST training site, with frequent travel to training cluster and/or Dili. The ALA will be required to follow a six-day work week, with additional preparation time and activities in the evening, and on weekend and holidays.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
*      Provide administrative and logistical supports to TM and the training team; prepare schedules and other general administrative assistance.
*      Assist TM with all preparations for Pre-Service Training (PST). Help with research on and arrangements for venues, transportation, guest speakers, and other logistical coordination.
*      Provide clerical and administrative support to TM and training staff;
*      Draft reports, as necessary and as directed by the TM, of financial and logistical expenditures/use;
*      Maintain a professional and positive public image with the training staff, Trainees and the local community.

ü  Any university degree; 5 additional years of relevant work experience may be substituted for university degree;
ü  A minimum of 1 years of related work experience in administration, business, or other field. 3 years relevant work experience preferred for maximum consideration;
ü  Demonstrated computer skills with special in using spreadsheets, communication, and organizational skills;
ü  Demonstrated working knowledge of administrative procedures, organizational skills and accounting/budgeting skills, ability to perform administrative responsibilities efficiently;
ü  Ability to work within a cross-cultural team which includes American and Timorese Staff;
ü  Fluency in Tetun is required.  Strong English skills required and English fluency is preferred;
ü  Clerical skills (e.g. typing, photocopying, maintenance of logs, etc.);
ü  Ability to think independently with little supervision; willing to learn new approaches and tolerate flexible working hours;
ü  Personal integrity, strong cross-cultural skills, good interpersonal skills, and the ability to work in a busy and intense team environment;
ü  Excellent interpersonal communication and organizational/time management skills; and
ü  Ability to stay in the training community during the Pre-Service Training period.
This position is a FSN grade equivalent of 5 and it has a salary range of approximately $1,700 – $1,950 for the total period of performance.  Housing during the PST training period will be provided at the training site. No other benefits are provided.

Important!  For consideration, all applicants must submit a Resume (CV) of NO MORE THAN 4 PAGES, together with a Cover Letter stating in detail how their education and experience fulfills the requirements of the position.  Submitted material must address each listed requirement.  Both Cover Letter and Resume (CV) must be type written in English, saved as a Word or PDF file with applicant’s name in the filename (example: JSmith_CV.pdf, JSmith_Cover_Letter.pdf) and emailed to:easttimorpc@peacecorps.govEmail subject line should state:Application for Admin & Logistics Assistant.
Closing date: Applications must be received no later than midnight, Sunday June 21stfor maximum consideration. No phone calls or personal visits related to this vacancy will be accepted. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

The Peace Corps is an equal opportunity employer.

EIROS GROUP – OFFICE MANAGER – CD 05 de Junho de 2015

 Eiros Group
Eiros Group


Job Title          : OFFICE MANAGER
Department     TOP MANAGEMENT
Job Code         : 304/AVA/EXT/A1/EEI-TL/V/2015
Closing date    : June 05th, 2015
Location          : Dili, Timor Leste
Appointment   : Local and Foreign National Hire

Eiros Entrepreneur Institute
Terms of Reference
Office Manager

The Experience vocational education held for more than 12 years from the date of establishment, 10 November 2003 to the present. Eiros Entrepreneur Institute (EEI) has a better understanding about the implementation of vocational education effectively and efficiently.

Thousand of students have benefits from our educational system, not even a little of our alumni who now occupy important positions in field of computers, administration, finance and other such as the staff of the government, EDP Manager in a hotel or private companies nationwide.
EEI provide not just a theory or a new concept, but more emphasis on practical experience, tips and discussion of real cases daily with the method of experiential learning, role play, quizzes, personal assessment, video clips, and others.
EEI designing program stormed the training needs of human resources in the areas of soft skills, particularly for employees to staff levels and general manager for Timorese People.


EIROS GROUP – RECEPTIONIST – CD 12 de Junho de 2015

 Eiros Group
Eiros Group

Job Title          : RECEPTIONIST
Job Code         : 310/AVA/EXT/A1/EEI-TL/VI/2015
Closing date    : June 12nd, 2015
Location          : Dili, Timor Leste
Appointment   : Local National Hire

Terms of Reference

About Us

The experience vocational education held for more than 10 years from the date of establishment, 10 November 2003 to the present. Eiros Entrepreneur Institute (EEI) has a better understanding about the implementation of vocational education effectively and efficiently.

Thousands of students have benefits from our educational system, not even a little of our alumni who now occupy important positions in field of computers, administration, finance and other such as the staff of the government, EDP Manager in a hotel or private companies nationwide.
EEI provide not just a theory or a new concept, but more emphasis on practical experience, tips and discussion of real cases daily with the method of experiential learning, role play, quizzes, personal assessment, video clips, and others.
EEI designing program stormed the training needs of human resources in the areas of soft skills, particularly for employees to staff levels and general manager for all Timorese People.

Casa Vida Timor Leste – Finance Manager (1) – CD 08 de Junho de 2015

Who are we
Casa Vida Timor-Leste is an NGO local. It is committed to and acts for the protection, welfare and rights of the children.  The focus is on the international right of the children.
Casa Lives look for a candidate to the position Finance Manager (1)

Reporting to the General Manager, this role contributes significantly to the successful operation of Casa Vida. It is a management role and the successful candidate will be responsible for managing day-to-day financial accounts, financial reporting and overall maintenance of the financial and accounting operations of Casa Vida.

  1. Day to day finance implementation and operations
  • Attention to detail and accurate recording and reviewing of all payments
  • Keeping on schedule and preparing and submitting donor reports well on time
  • Monthly preparation of management reports including:
    • Bank reconciliation
    • Grant & Expenditure reconciliation
    • Budget Monitoring
    • Petty Cash reconciliation
    • Fuel Expenditure reconciliation
    • Other financial reports
  • Maintain and process payroll and taxes

  1. Coordination and Collaboration
  • Capable to manage teams successfully;
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective work relationships with the management team, co-workers and project staff;
  • Audit preparedness (including preparing year-end financial reports)
  • Professional integrity and discretion in the handling of confidential information and data

  1. Quality Assurance
  • Ensure organisational manuals (especially finance manual and any management recommendations) are implemented effectively;
  • Ensure donor agreements are objectively adhered;
  • Lead finance team ensuring every outgoing reports are error-free and of high quality

  • Degree in accounting, finance or related discipline
  • Excellent/effective communication skills (both oral and written), including English language skills
  • Strong inter-personal and leadership skills
  • Good computer skills including excellent knowledge of MS Office particularly Excel

  • 3-5 years proven financial management experience
  • Prior experiences working on donor funded projects, preferably AusAID
  • Knowledge of QuickBooks Accounting System a plus
  • Excellent knowledge of Timor Leste accounting and tax requirements

Duration:  6 moth (With the possibility extension base on assessment performance and necessity).

Send applications refere to Human Resources Manager , in Centro de Cuidado à Criança – Casa Vida Bidau Lecidere, Dili, Timor Leste Phone: +670-7735-2345  also via email  before 8th June 2015.
Application including a cover letter, Resume details and ID cards and Police report.

” Casa Vida is an organisation who provide protection to children. We require everyone who apply to this position to follow the requirement of our recruitment procedure and sign our Child Protection Policy. Volunteer and staff who are successful will sign and agree to abide with the organisation’s Child Protection Policy as a condition of employment. ”

Centro de Cuidado à Criança – Casa Vida
BidauLecidere, Dili, Timor Leste
Phone: +670-7735-2345

The Asia Foundation – CONSULTANCY – CSO Partners Capacity Assessment Grid – CD 19 de Juno de 2015

The Asia Foundation Timor-Leste
Improving Lives, Expand Opportunities

CSO Partners Capacity Assessment Grid
The Asia Foundation (the Foundation) is implementing an Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW) Program in Timor-Leste under a Grant Agreement with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The EVAW Program goal is to reduce the proportion of women who have experienced violence, and to better meet the needs of women and children affected by violence. The objective is to improve outcomes for women in prevention, support services, and access to justice by improving capacity in key ministries, reducing levels of violence, improving services, and strengthening judicial processes serving the needs of women survivors of violence.
EVAW is currently providing support to five CSO partners under the Services and Access to Justice Pillars. The program is continuing to work along the lines of the accompaniment model used by the Justice Sector Support Facility (JSSF) in its work with both government and non-government partners. The program acknowledges that organizational and institutional strength is critical to good program and service delivery and has been working with partners to undertake organizational assessments and develop milestones in relation to governance and program implementation.
Program staff are required to conduct regular site visits to partners and to be readily available to meet with partners to discuss implementation of the grants. The Foundation is also supporting the partners through field visits focusing on particular financial management issues identified through both program and finance monitoring.
In 2015, the Foundation is also assisting CSOs to organize external evaluations and external audits. The Foundation will need to identify technical support acceptable and trusted by each organization. Addressing organizational needs will be done through a mixture of mentoring support from program staff (including Program Finance staff) and trainings. Short term technical assistance will be brought on as required and as appropriate for the different organizations, and on the job training and mentoring will be provided as required.

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