Sunday, January 31, 2016

Field Officer ESS-Mercy Corps Timor Leste- 1 Position


           Position Description

Mercy Corps hahu servisu iha Timor-Leste iha tinan 2005, hadalan liu ba oinsa enfrenta abut kauza husi mukit, inseguransa alimentar no Malnutrisaun. Abordagem husi Mercy Corps mak ba Agricultura & Desenvolvimento Seguransa Alimentar incopora iha diversifika extensaun husi intervensaun ruma nebe implementa husi parseiro no sector privado, sector publiku no sociedade civil. Intervensaun hirak ne’e envolve agricultor mukit sira, empresario privado no governo atu hatutan hasae produsaun, comercio no rendimento iha nebe atu reduz Malnutrisaun. Agora dadaun, portfolio programa Agricultura no Seguransa Alimentar husi Mercy Corps iha Timor-Leste inklui habelar ba iha projektu  Fatin Rai fini Efektivu husi programa ESS nebe hetan fundus husi OFDA(Office of Foreign Disaster Asistance) husi USAID. Mercy Corps iha parseira ho CRS no NGO local atu implementa Fase III husi programa nian nebe targeto lolos mak agricultor sira iha rural area iha teritorio Timor-Leste, introduz Sistema Fatin Rai Fini Efektivu, Servisu Rai no Impresta no Sistema produsaun hortikultura familiar liu husi Kantadero Chave Matan (Keyhole Gardening). Mercy Corps no parseiro sira servisu ho fornesedores, badaen SILO no Kiosks Lokal sira. Programa ida ne’e sei atinji target benefisiariu hamutuk 300,000 indivudual.

SUMARIO POZISAUN JENERAL[Describe overview of job missio:
Ofisial programa sei responsabiliza ba iha koordenasaun hotu no implementasaun programa ESS nian iha kampo, nebe sei hetan supervisaun husi ESS Field Regional Manager respektivu, servisu atu garante objektivu programa no target. Pozisaun ne sei responsabiliza ba iha kualidade as servisu implementasaun kampo husi aktividade SILC nian husi programa ESS em jeral, inklui halo assesmento lais ba iha aktividade Rai no Impesta iha distrito targeto nian, iha partisipasaun aktivu ba iha treinamento SILC, assegura envolvimento komunidade nian no hare prestasaun ba iha hasae kapasitasaun ba grupo SILC nian. ho supervisaun husi ESS Field Regional Manager, pozisaun ne’e sei iha relasaun ho stakeholder relevante sira atu garante aktividade programa nian iha koordenasaun ho diak.

·         Hamutuk ho ESS Field Regional Manager, halo koordenasaun ho autoridade local hanesan Ofisial Extensaun Governo nian atu garante sucesso ba iha implementasaun programa nian
·         Fasilita workshop iha level municipal nebe’e iha koordenasaun ho stakeholders local sira, identifika aktividade Rai no Impresta existi ona iha targeto municipal sira, no halao assesmento ba iha seleksaun komunidade target
·         Realiza actividade mobilizasaun no selesaun ba iha target benefisariu, no promove kapasitasaun ba uma kain seleksiaonado sira iha treinamentu posto kolheta no Keyhole Garden (Cantaderu Xave Matan) tuir acordo matadalan mobilizasaun
·         Asiste parseru negosiu (badaen Loka, fornesedor no Fa’an nain sira) aseguru sira nian partisipasaun aktivu iha aktividade programa nian.
·         Desenvolve relasaun entre agrikultor nebe hetan suporta no negosiu relevante sira iha material merkado nian inklui halo performansia ba kualidade kontrola husi sistema fatin rai introduzidos nebe produz husi badaen local, garante katak feedback kliente nian sira sei tau hamutuk hodi hadia produtu /servisu nian.
·         Partisipa iha treinamento SILC no sai hanesan Treinador  - SILC Marter Trainer / Especialista.
·         Asisti Field Agent atu halo seleksaun ba grupo nebe’e partisipa husi uma kain sira no hola parte iha komunikasaun no kampanha sensibilizasaun hanesan atu fasilita introduz SILC no sai tau matan ba iha perstasaun grupo targeto nian.
·         Ofisial programa hanesan ema importante ba iha implemtasaun aktividade kampo husi programa nian, sei assegura qualidade performansia programa nebe foka liu ba iha resultado nebe trasa ona atu atingi objektivu programa nian.
·         Hamutuk ho equipa DM&E desenvolve no implementa tools ba monotorizasaun no evaluasaun nebe’e relvante – realiza regularmente monotorizasaun iha kolekta data kampo nian sira seluk no relata relatorio nebe’e mak exigidos.
·         Assegura katak sei enkoraja no promove equalidade genero, partisipasaun juventude ba iha aktividade programa nian no sei aplika  tuir Mercy Corps nian Codigo Conduta.
·         Assegura no halo tuir regulamento no regras USAID & Mercy Corps nebe’e relevante
·         Koordena besik liu ho programa / projektu sira seluk liu husi Programa Agricultura no Seguransa Alimentar Mercy Corps no buka hatene no hasae interligasaun ba projektu no aktividadade la hanesan
·         Halao aktividade nebe’e relasiona ho servisu seluk tuir supervisor husu
·         Sei halo servisu / knar seluk nebe’e fo husi supervisor  
SERVISU DISREKTAMENTE HO: ESS Ofisial programa seluk ( ESS/KHG no komponente SILC), Ofisial DM&E , Ofisial Operasaun no , Ofisial Finansas.

·         Lisensiadu husi Agronomia ou ekonomia ou Gestao do Negosiu ou minimu iha experiensia ‘Tinan 3’ hamutuk no komunidade iha base, Agricultor nia vida moris no / ou programa desenvolvimento negosiu nian
·         Iha abilidade forte ba iha mobilizasaun komunidade, iha experiensia nebe’e relevante servisu ho grupo komunidade, official Governo, no autor sector privado no inetegra sira ba iha implementasaun programa
·         Abilidade forte iha organizasaun no komunikasaun
·         Abilidade lian tetum mak persiza – konhesimento ba lian Ingles iha valor mais
·         Abilidade hodi motorizada no Iha karata kondusao motorizada
·         Sei halo viajen dala barak ho motorizada ba iha area targetu
Ba Aplicante nebe mak intereste beleh haruka Karta Aplikasaun no CV  labele liu husi dia 12 de Fevereiro 2016, mai  Mercycorps nia Escritório  iha  Rua de Travesa  ( Clinica Café Timor nia Sorin )  Bidau – Lecidere, Dili, Timor-Leste  ka bele haruka liu husi Email

Merli Sofia Alves
Mercy Corps

  Related Blog:

Thursday, January 28, 2016

CARE International in Timor-Leste - CITL_Jan 2016

Internally & Externally
CARE International in Timor-Leste - CITL

Department / Project                    : Program Quality
Position                                               : Deputy Project Manager: Business and Enterprise
Supervisor                                          : PQ Unit Manager
Grade                                                   : B
Country Office                                  : CARE Timor International in Timor Leste (CITL)
Salary                                                    : From $881 per month plus benefits
Location of Work                             : Base in Dili, with some travel to field locations
Position Report To                          : PQ unit Manager
Position Supervisors                      : N/A
Job Description Prepared by      : PQM
Date Job Description Updated   : 25 January 2016
Date Job Description Evaluated: N/A
Contract period                                : June 30, 2016 with possibility of extension

CARE is an international development and humanitarian aid organization fighting global poverty, with a special focus on working with women and girls to bring lasting change to their communities. As a non-religious and non-political organization, CARE works with communities to help overcome poverty by supporting development efforts and providing emergency assistance. We believe supporting women and girls is one of the most effective ways to create sustainable outcomes in poor communities.
CARE’s long term program focuses on women and girls in rural disadvantaged areas with four priority areas: Sexual Reproductive and Maternal Health and Rights, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Women’s Voice and Education.
The DPM Business and Enterprise is responsible to lead the private sector engagement and social enterprise initiatives at CARE International in Timor-Leste (CITL). This will include providing specific technical advice to support the program in terms of business planning and development, social enterprise practices, market analysis and working with the private sector. The role will also lead on the development of key private sector partnerships to support the implementation of CITL’s program.

1. Private Sector/Partner Engagement
·         Oversee the expansion of the private sector partnership portfolio for CITL to support its long term program priority areas
·         Represent CITL on key external networks and forums and engage actively to raise CITL’s profile in this sector
·         Liaise with relevant government ministries, UN agencies and other stakeholders and represent CITL as required

2. Social Enterprise Development
·         Lead assessments and analysis related to PSE and social enterprise development
·         Lead development of business plans for social enterprise development initiatives
·         Provide technical advice to relevant projects on small business management and entrepreneurship
3. Marketing Objectives and Implementing Strategies
·         Provide technical  leadership and support in relevant proposal development (with private sector partnerships) and sourcing of private sector funds to support CARE’s long term program
·         Oversee the development and adaption of  materials and technical tools as relevant to projects
·         Develop Private Sector Engagement Strategy for CITL
4. Capacity Development
·         Provide capacity development support on private sector engagement and social enterprise to CARE staff as relevant
5. Other
·       To proactively participate in the APPA process including the annual appraisal, midyear review  and regular 1:1 meetings, ensuring that the APPA process (including the paperwork) is an integral component of Annual Work Plans and activities
·       Promote a safe and secure work environment; foster a culture of safety and security awareness and consistently follow all CARE safety and security policies, procedures and directives
·       Demonstrate an understanding of gender equality and women’s empowerment and a commitment to CARE’s approach and values including ethnic diversity and cultural sensitivity
·       Uphold and promote CARE’s commitment to Child Protection

·         Postgraduate degree in business, commerce or other related technical degree
·         Three years experience in private sector work in the Timor Leste context, ideally combined with knowledge and experience of humanitarian, development and/or social sectors
·         Experience in the design and development of market analysis and business planning and basic financial management
·         Proven track record in managing a team and partnerships
·         Willingness to travel to the municipalities including rural areas for a period of time
·         Ability to provide technical guidance, coaching and mentoring to work colleagues using good inter personal skills
·         Strong leadership and facilitation skills with an ability to work independently
·         Ability to comply with and uphold all relevant CARE International in Timor Leste policies and standard procedures
·         Computer literacy within standard Microsoft Office programs, i.e. Word, Excel, Power Point, and data bases and excellent communication skills both written and spoken in English and Tetun

In return of your commitment you will benefit from ongoing professional development fostered within an innovative and forward thinking environment, plus a comprehensive benefits package.

To apply to this position, please email or submit your application letter and Curriculum Vitae with two references (Please DO NOT attached the other documents) to OR to HR Unit, CARE International Timor-Leste, Bairo Pitte, Dili, OR by email before or by date deadline on 31 January 2016. Only successful candidates will be contacted for the interview.

Internally & Externally
CARE International in Timor-Leste – CITL

Department / Project                    : Program Quality
Position                                               : Business and Enterprise Officer
Supervisor                                          : PQ Unit Manager
Grade                                                   : C
Country Office                                  : CARE Timor International in Timor Leste (CITL)
Salary                                                    : From $702 per month plus benefits
Location of Work                             : Base in Dili, with some travel to field locations
Position Report To                          : Deputy Project Manager: Business and Enterprise
Position Supervisors                      : N/A
Job Description Prepared by      : PQ Unit Manager
Date Job Description Updated   : 25 January 2016
Date Job Description Evaluated: N/A
Contract period                                : June 30, 2016

CARE is an international development and humanitarian aid organization fighting global poverty, with a special focus on working with women and girls to bring lasting change to their communities. As a non-religious and non-political organization, CARE works with communities to help overcome poverty by supporting development efforts and providing emergency assistance. We believe supporting women and girls is one of the most effective ways to create sustainable outcomes in poor communities.
CARE’s long term program focuses on women and girls in rural disadvantaged areas with four priority areas: SRM Health and Rights, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Women’s Voice and Education.
The Business and Enterprise Officer will support the DPM Business and Enterprise on private sector engagement and social enterprise initiatives at CARE International in Timor-Leste (CITL). This will include providing support to the projects and program in terms of small business management and development, markets and working with the private sector. The role will also provide training to communities in entrepreneurship, basic business skills and management.

1. Private Sector/Partner Engagement
·         Support the DPM Business and Enterprise in building and maintaining strong partnerships in the private sector and related to business development
2. Social Enterprise Development
·         Support assessments and analysis related to markets, private sector engagement and social enterprise development
·         Support the development of business plans for social enterprise development initiatives
·         Provide technical advice to relevant projects on small business planning, management and entrepreneurship skills
3. Marketing Objectives and Implementing Strategies
·         Oversee the development and adaption of  materials and technical tools as relevant to projects
·         Support the development of Private Sector Engagement Strategy for CITL
4. Capacity Development
·         Provide capacity development support and training to CARE staff, partners and communities on basic business development and management skills
5. Other
·       To proactively participate in the APPA process including the annual appraisal, midyear review  and regular 1:1 meetings, ensuring that the APPA process (including the paperwork) is an integral component of Annual Work Plans and activities
·       Promote a safe and secure work environment; foster a culture of safety and security awareness and consistently follow all CARE safety and security policies, procedures and directives
·       Demonstrate an understanding of gender equality and women’s empowerment and a commitment to CARE’s approach and values including ethnic diversity and cultural sensitivity
·       Uphold and promote CARE’s commitment to Child Protection

·         Degree in business, commerce or other related degree
·         Some experience in the private sector or business development initiatives in the Timor Leste context, ideally combined with knowledge and experience of humanitarian, development and/or social sectors
·         Experience in the design and development of market analysis and business planning and basic financial management
·         Willingness to travel to the municipalities including rural areas for a period of time
·         Training and facilitation skills
·         Ability to comply with and uphold all relevant CARE International in Timor Leste policies and standard procedures
·         Computer literacy within standard Microsoft Office programs, i.e. Word, Excel, Power Point, and data bases
·         Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken in Tetun, English skills desirable

In return of your commitment you will benefit from ongoing professional development fostered within an innovative and forward thinking environment, plus a comprehensive benefits package.

To apply to this position, please email or submit your application letter and Curriculum Vitae with two references (Please DO NOT attached the other documents) to OR to HR Unit, CARE International Timor-Leste, Bairo Pitte, Dili, OR by email before or by date deadline on 31 January 2016. Only successful candidates will be contacted for the interview.
CARE is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. CARE International Timor-Leste is committed to protecting the rights of children in all areas we work. CARE International Timor-Leste reserves the right to conduct screening procedures to ensure a child-safe environment.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


SKILLS Development and employment (SDE) PROJECT COORDINATOR
Since July 2014, the Australia Awards Timor-Leste Office (AATL) has managed the Australia Government’s scholarship programs in Timor-Leste, including Australia Awards Scholarships. AATL is managed by Palladium International Pty Ltd on behalf of the Australian Government.
The Australian Government’s overarching aid policy underscores the importance of a skilled population for the growth of an economy.  In particular, it states that Australia will prioritise skills for growth, by improving access to quality assured technical education and training, which matches the needs of the private sector. Skills and employment supports the two objectives of the aid program: private sector development and human development. When well-targeted it also supports women’s economic empowerment, by providing young women with skills to enhance their ability to participate in economic activity.
From 2016, AATL, under a new program name, the Workforce Development Program Timor-Leste (WDPTL) will take on further workforce development activities to improve Timor-Leste’s human resource capacity in targeted areas; and foster ongoing linkages between Australia and Timor-Leste at the individual, organisational and country levels. WDPTL will achieve its goals through the delivery of the following three components:
1.       Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS) for study in Australia and support for returned Scholarship alumni;
2.      Skills Development and Employment (SDE) activities with support for skills, qualifications and employment activities in partnership with the Secretariat of State for Vocational Training and Employment Policy (SEPFOPE) and the National Labour Force Development Institute (INDMO);
3.      Human Resource Development activities for emerging priorities to provide a range of technical and grant assistance including evaluations and designs for a new English language program.
The Workforce Development Program Timor-Leste is currently seeking applications for a full-time Skills Development and Employment (SDE) Project Coordinator.

The SDE Project Coordinator will work across all SDE activities. Supporting SEPFOPE and INDMO, SDE has three sub-components:
•             Skills Development: development and piloting of vocational qualification packages;
•             Employment: support for the employment opportunities including the Australian Government’s Seasonal Workers Program; and
•             Institutional Support: support for SEPFOPE’s institutional capacity, including in labour market information systems.
a)      Support DTL in coordinating planning and implementation of the three components of the SDE program, including liaison with SEPFOPE and other stakeholders;
b)      Provide support and facilitation of technical activities associated with skills development
c)       Coordination and facilitation of employer engagement activities, including working with the Industry Sub-Commission.
d)      Support DTL and the WDPTL M&E Coordinator to carry out performance and quality activities of the SDE program, including gender and other relevant cross-cutting issues
Essential Professional Attributes and Skills
a)      Demonstrated skills in strategic thinking, evaluation, analysis and innovation
b)      Sound judgement and problem-solving skills to deal with complex organisational issues including; program implementation and stakeholder engagement
c)       A high level of communication and interpersonal skills that can be applied in building productive working relationships with stakeholders
d)      Sound knowledge and experience in program management
e)      Track record of working with stakeholders and government at different levels
Desirable Attributes and Skills
a)      experience in the education, training and development sectors in Timor-Leste
b)      experience with DFAT processes and procedures, particularly those relating to monitoring and evaluation
c)       Bahasa Indonesia and Portuguese an advantage; 
Specific Outputs
a)      Support DTL to prepare annual work plans and budgets for the component activities for the SDE program and ensure alignment to SEPFOPE Annual Action Plans. Assist in the preparation of ToRs for long- and short-term technical assistance;
b)      Provide logistic support for the mobilisation of technical assistance including adviser mobilisation and event management for workshops and training activities
c)       Prepare program documentation and report to the Program Management Unit on all component related issues;
d)      Work collaboratively across SEPFOPE, training providers and selected employers to support the program implementation
e)      Assist in the monitoring and reporting activities for the SDE program, covering the monitoring and evaluation plan, quarterly and annual reports for submission to DFAT and SEPFOPE;
f)       Provide secretariat duties for governance and management committees, including drafting and distributing meeting documents, venue logistic, and drafting and distributing meeting minutes;
g)      Develop high quality first drafts of formal correspondence for the DTL and the Australian Embassy;
h)      Maintain and manage electronic and hard copy files; and
i)        Other duties as discussed and agreed with the Deputy Team Leader or Team Leader.
Working arrangements
The Project Coordinator will be located in the Australia Awards Timor-Leste Office in Dili, but may also work from time to time at SEPFOPE Headquarters. S/he will work in collaboratively with the Directors of National Training Authority (INDMO), National Division for Professional Training (DNAFOP), National Division for Rural Employment (DNE) and other SEPFOPE staff on day-to-day planning and implementation.
Selection Criteria
All applicants must address the five selection criteria below to be considered for this position. Responses to the selection criteria below should be no more than four A4 pages in total. Your response should include examples of results you have achieved and/or lessons learnt from your past work experience.
1.      In the past, how have you supported and contributed to organisational strategic direction through your role?
2.      In the past how have you achieved results with competing priorities and heavy workloads?
3.      Values Teamwork and Builds Partnerships
4.      Works and communicates with influence: Excellent cross-cultural communication skills, both oral and written The ability to speak in Tetun and English (very good oral and written English) is essential
5.      Specific specialist/professional knowledge, skills and experience
a.       Relevant Tertiary qualification in the area of management and education.
b.      Minimum 3 years working experience in development programs funded by international donors.
Duration: Full-Time: (up to 3 years)
Location: Dili, Timor-Leste (Locally Engaged: this is not an ARF position)

Application details
If you are interested, please deliver your CV, along with a covering letter addressing the essential criteria listed above to the Australia Awards Office at:   the ex-Café Aroma site, Rua. Belarmino Lobo, Bidau Akadiru-Hun, Dili, or email your application to: Simon Kaldy, AATL Team Leader, email:
Applications closes 5pm AEST on Sunday 7th February 2016. Late applications will not be considered, only successful applicants will be contacted.