Friday, December 11, 2015

VAGA Program Officer for Monitoring & Evaluation; Sub-grants Management and Outreach – 1 position


Title:                         Program Officer for Monitoring & Evaluation; Sub-grants Management and Outreach – 1 position

Program:                    Community Policing Support Program  (CPSP)  

Reports to:                 CPSP Team Leader and CPSP Program Coordinator

Supervises:                Sub-Grants and Sub-Contracts

Unit:                           Timor-Leste Office

Work Location:          Dili, with occasional travel to all municipalities

Contract Duration:   3 Months (1 January – 31 March 2016) with possibility of
extension for up to three years based on program funding approval


The Program Officer for Sub-Grant Management and Monitoring and Evaluation (POMnE) will support the design and implementation of the Community Policing Support Program (CPSP). The POMnE will work with the Team Leader, Program Coordinator, Senior Program Officers (SPOs), Program Officers (POs) and Municipal Officers (MOs) in the management of sub-grants and Monitoring and Evaluation for the CPSP program. The POMnE will provide management and oversight of program sub-grants and sub-contracts and will

The POMnE will play a key role in developing the monitoring and evaluatoin framework and implementation plan for CPSP, including tools and methodologies for stakeholder consultation and impact assesment of program activities.

The POMnE will lead the management of sub-grantees, sub-contractors and consultants working to support program outputs. The POMnE will work to develop budgets and contracts for sub-grantees, monitor and evaluate their performance and support institutional capacity development of partners.

When needed, the POMnE will represent the program in liaising with the representatives of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), Government representatives, Municipal and Sub-Municipal Administration, civil society representatives and other stakeholders to ensure the leadership by state actors of community policing activities.


The new CPSP, beginning in January 2016, consolidates accomplishments in community-oriented policing policy and practice achieved during the course of the previous Conflict Mitigation through Community Oriented Policing (CMCOP) programs, branded in Tetun as HAKOHAK (Hametin Kooperasaun Hamutuk  Polisia no Komunidade) (2009 – 2015) and its partner program, the Timor-Leste Community Policing Program (TLCPP) implemented by the New Zealand Police. The new CPSP program supports a sustainable and locally-relevant model of community policing and its absorption by the Timorese State to become the full responsibility of PNTL and relevant ministries. It aims to ensure viable sustainability through integration with local governance structures. Another key focus is on the development and integration of effective crime prevention, and improving response approaches to common issues including domestic violence that are consistent with the law. Following best practice, TAF will commission and carry out research that generates an evidence base to inform policy development.

Internal Foundation Contacts                                                                           
CPSP Team Leader, Program Coordinator and team, other relevant program staff, finance, and administrative staff in the Foundation’s East Timor office on a regular basis. 

External Contacts
Timorese partner institutions and organizations, including civil society organizations and implementing parterns and contractors, representatives of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), Sub-station Commanders, Municipal and Sub-Municipal Administration, suco councils and government agencies; New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), New Zealand Police and other stakeholders working on conflict prevention and police development.


Working within the CPSP team, provide significant contributions based on experience and knowledge of institutional development, security strategy, crime and conflict prevention to program design and development of the CPSP implementation plan. 

Lead the management of the program’s sub-grantees and contractors. Create an annual workplan for all activities to be implemented by sub-grantees and contracters. Support the sub-grantee to design a strategy for the development of a sustainable model of community policing for each municipality included under the sub-grantee’s leadership, and ensure leadership by PNTL and relevant ministries. Plan, manage, monitor and evaluate the work of the sub-grantees and contractors towards implementation of the approved field implementation strategy.

Ensure integration of key principles of gender equality, child protection, do-no-harm - into the program implementation.

Support consultation with key state and government agencies and non-government organisations during the design and implementation of the program.

Specific  responsibilities:

·         Lead the management of the program’s sub-grantees and contractors.

·         Create an annual workplan for all activities to be implemented by sub-grantees and contracters in line with the program implementation strategy. Plan, manage, monitor and evaluate the work of the sub-grantees and contractors towards implementation of the approved field implementation strategy.

·         Support the sub-grantee to design a strategy for the development of a sustainable model of community policing for each municipality included under the sub-grantee’s leadership, and ensure leadership by PNTL and relevant ministries.

·         Assist in development and refinement of the  program  monitoring and evaluation framework and tools, with attention to  sampling  frames,  matching of methods  to purpose,  and analysis frameworks.

·         Monitor relevant political, social, and economic developments and assess impact on the CPSP and its M&E strategy.

·         Work with the Sub-grantees to integrate M&E and Research learnings as appropriate across the  program.

·         Support the development institutional capacity, policies and systems of sub-grantees and contractors.

·         Support  sub-grantees in narrative qualitative and quantitative reporting,  data   collection and  success stories to  ensure  that  they are conducting monitoring and collating  data in accordance  with the program M&E Plan;

·         Support the implementation of a crime and conflict prevention strategy and manage integrated Security Grants with other govenrment and organizational partners including Minsitry for Social Solidarity, Department for Peacebuilding and Social Cohesion (MSS, DPBSC); National Directorate for Communtiy Conflict Prevention (NDPCC); Secretrariat of State for Women’s Economic Empowerment (SEEM); and other relevant stakeholders.

·         Prepare and review all M&E data on a monthly basis and deliver to Program Coordinator for review.

·         On a quarterly basis, insert all M&E data into draft quarterly report to donors and stakeholders and submit to Program Coordinator for finalization.

·         Assist in developing and drafting donor reports.

·         Lead the design of program outreach products.

·         Maintain contact with the media to publicise program activities and succcesses.

·         Ensure strategy for increasing active women’s participation implemented across all municipalities, and monitor women’s participation.

·         Ensure integrated strategy with other program pillars within The Asia Foundation, including the Nabilan Ending Violence Against Women Program, Support for Public Policy Program, Local Governance and Women’s Empowerment Programs.

·         Assist with preparation of program documentatoin and reporting as required.

·         Comply with relevant donor and TAF grant regulations and procedures.

·         Other duties as assigned.

All applicants are required to meet the following criteria:

·         The Foundation expects that those applying for the Program Officer for Sub-Grant Management and Monitoring and Evaluation (POMnE) will have at least four years of relevant professional experience of increasing levels of responsibility.
·         Previous relevant experience working on programs focusing on organizational development of government institutions, development of security sector institutions or conflict prevention in Timor-Leste.
·         Demonstrated work experience at a senior level in grant management, monitoring and evaluation and management of field activities.
·         Extensive experience in developing Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (M,E & L) Strategies and supervising M,E&L for larger international Development Programs.
·         Proven experience of responsible mangement and monitoring of program activity budgets.
·         A personal commitment to promoting gender equality and child protection and to modelling personal behaviours consistent with the program focus.
·         A willingness to pro-actively identify ways in which the program can better reach disadvantaged or marginalised groups, particularly women and people with disabilities.
·         A commitment to working respectfully and collaboratively with individuals and organisations at a range of levels.
·         A commitment to working in a multi-disciplinary team with a strong focus on research, evaluation, learning, and networking.
·         Experience in publication to online and print media of success stories in English and Tetun.
·         Ability to communicate orally and in writing in English and Tetun.
·         Willingness to travel to districts on a regular basis.  
·         University Bachelor degree or equivalent in relevant discipline.

The Asia Foundation strongly encourages women to apply. The position is open for Timorese nationals only.

All applications must include a cover letter, an updated CV and must address the selection criteria. Please include three contactable referees. They must be addressed to Odete Laranjinha Pinto -  HR Officer, and delivered by hand to the Asia Foundation’s office at Rua Praia dos Coqueiros, Bairo Metin Rua, Dili, Timor-Leste OR via email before or by Wednesday, 16 December 2015 at 05.00 PM,
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the interview

Many thanks,
Odete Laranjinha Pinto
HR Officer

Rua Praia dos Coqueiros | Bebonuk | Dili | Timor-Leste
+670 331-3457 | M +670 7723 2684 | E 

If you feel you received this message in error please contact

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Job Vacancy-Training Officer @EMPREZA DIAK NGO


Pozisaun:                    Training Officer
Hahú /durasaun:       Janeiru 2016, tinan ida ho posibilidade aumenta kontratu
Fatin servisu:              Dili no halo viajén ba distritu sira
Relatóriu:                   Kordena no hato'o relatóriu ba Kordenador treinamentu
Saláriu:                       250/fulan ida depende ba esperiénsia
Benefísiu seluk:          Bonus ba dezempeñu servisu fulan tolu, osan ba haan meiudua no klínika
Elijibilidade ba: Sidadaun Timor-oan DE’IT
Data remata ba aplikasaun: Loron 30 fulan Novembru tinan 2015

Empreza Di'ak NGO (ED) hanesan NGO lokal dinámiku ne'ebe servisu hodi kria oportunidade sira ba ema iha Timor-Leste hodi hari'i moris ne'ebe diak liu, liu husi sira nia esforsu rasik. Ami nia misaun atu luta hasoru kiak liu husi lori mudansa pozitivu ba tempu naruk liu husi moris ne'ebe sustentavel, negósiu inkluzivu no merkadu ne'ebe diak liu iha Timor-Leste. Hakarak hatene informasaun liu tan bele visita no

Agora dau-daun ED buka hela Training Officer ida ne'ebe entuziasta no iha ambisaun hodi suporta, hametin no haluan tan servisu ne'ebe mak hala'o husi ami nia unidade treinamentu ne'ebe inovativu, halo ami bele fó treinamentu ba ema barak liu tan no iha inpaktu ne'ebe forte liu.

Pozisaun ida ne'e sei hola parte iha ekipa ne'ebe ho komitmentu makaas no kultura oi-oin, ne'ebé ajuda malu ho aprende no servisu hamutuk hodi ajuda hari'i moris diak liu iha Timor-Leste. Iha pozisaun ne'e, ita bele halo servisu uza ita nia matenek rasik no mós aprende buat foun sira.

Training Officer sei servisu ho programa oi-oin, suporta ekipa programa iha halo preparasaun ba sesaun treinamentu no material sira no mós fasilita treinamentu ba komunidade no organizasaun parseiru sira. Area treinamentu sira mak hanesan igualidade jéneru, servisu grupu, numerásia báziku, manajementu báziku no rejistu osan - ne'ebe sei determina husi ekipa programa ida-idak.

·      Servisu ho ekipa programa hodi organiza material treinamentu ne'ebe relevante ba parseiru no komunidade sira;
·      Suporta hodi prepara sesaun no material treinamentu sira ba treinamentu ne'ebe identifika ona;
·      Fasilita treinamentu sira, ba partisipante tarjetu sira ne'ebe identifika ona ho ekipa programa sira;
·      Hato'o relatóriu ba Programa Manajer no Koordenador treinamentu kona-ba atividade sira hotu.

·      Esperiénsia profesional mínimu tinan 3 iha lidera treinamentu, fasilita no akompañamentu atividade sira, liu-liu ba grupu komunidade sira.
·      Esperiénsia servisu iha dezenvolvimentu sosial/komunidade.
·      Esperiénsia iha fasilita enkontru ho staff programa no stakeholder sira.
·      Hakerek no koalia Tetum ho diak.
·      Iha koñesimentu diak ho programa Word (Excel bele sai vantajen ne'ebe diak liu).
·      Iha matenek koalia ne'ebe diak, atensaun ba detallu sira no hatudu abilidade atu servisu hanesan membru husi ekipa.

·      Diploma universidade iha area relevante.
·      Iha koñesimentu kona-ba negósiu no manajementu.
·      Esperiénsia servisu ba - ka iha kooperasaun ho - Instituisaun governu no NGO sira
·      Iha matenek atu koalia no hakerek iha lian Inglês.


Ba aplikante ne'ebe interesadu no kualifikadu bele hatama aplikasaun liu husi ho títulu “Training Officer”.

Aplikasaun mós bele hatama iha edifísiu Entrega Ba nian iha Bidau-Manumata.
 Ba informasaun importante ne’ebé relasiona ho pozisaun ne’e favór ida email ba ka telefone ba edifísiu Entrega Ba nian iha 78613816.

Aplikasaun tenki inklui:
• Karta aplikasaun kona ba interese ne’ebé prense Kritéria Selesaun nian.
• Curriculum Vitae atual nian.
• Naran no detaillu kontaktu husi referénsia/sasin nain 3.

Empreza Diak iha komitmentu ba igualdade jéneru no fó prioridade ba kandidatu feto ne'ebe kualifikadu hodi aplika ba pozisaun ne'e.

Aplikante sira ne'ebe tama iha lista badak mak ami sei kontaktu hodi tuir entrevista.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

ICT Officer I @CRS Timor-Leste

Description: Description: CRS_Email_Signature_English

Position Title:                   ICT Officer I
Department:                      ICT (Operations)
Location:                             Baucau or Dili with frequent travel to Baucau
Reports To:                         Operations Manager
Band:                                    F
Supervises:                        0 direct reports

Note:  This position is for Timorese Nationals only.

BACKGROUND / JOB SUMMARY:  Catholic Relief Services in Timor Leste is seeking for an ICT Officer to provide support for knowledge management, decision-making, and programming effectiveness by ensuring efficient operation and use of CRS information sharing, communication, and collaboration technologies, and by providing technical support to CRS staff and partners on overall ICT systems. Responsible for deployment, maintenance, security, data protection, and troubleshooting of technology and systems for assigned office(s). Stays abreast of ICT developments in the international and local market, providing recommendations based on opportunities to improve the efficiency and impact of CRS programming, operations, and overall performance. Other key responsibilities of the IT Officer is the provision of consultancy and guidance on integrating ICT for development solutions in program implementation and provision of technical assistance on ICT-related issues to partners.

System Management:
·         Support the Global Service Desk.
·         Implement, configure and maintain systems to meet CRS program service and operational excellence requirements.
·         Maintain quality system configuration, administration, security, and maintenance for CRS program ICT systems, including networks, servers, and telecommunications.
·         Ensure that system and data availability meets CRS business recovery requirements.
·         Support managers and staff in executing good stewardship and efficient use of agency ICT resources.
·         Collaborate with relevant staff to maintain ICT inventory and ensure adequate supply and functionality.
·         Work with third-party suppliers to deliver services that meet CRS business process requirements.

End-User Support:
·         Provide timely response to user support requests or promptly escalate issues as needed as per agency Service Desk procedures.
·         Support CRS on-boarding of staff process
·         Conduct user trainings, as appropriate.
·         Configure desktops, laptops and other peripheral devices to provide user access to agency business systems information.
·         Partner with program staff on integrating ICT solutions in program implementation.
·         Deploy and provide ongoing technical support in ICT solutions integrated within programming interventions.
Technical Assistance to CRS’ Partners:
·         Ensure timely and quality ICT implementation, adoption, and support to CRS’ partners, remotely or on-site, in line with CRS’ programming needs and capacity.
·         Provide consistency in service delivery against established policies, procedures, and service standards.
·         Support the procurement of ICT equipment and software purchases in line with CRS standards and in compliance with donor requirements.
·         Implement and follow-up on ICT Country Office Assessments.
Budget Responsibilities:
·         Input to budget development and expense approval per MoA.
Capacity Building:
·         Maintain personal and professional development to meet the changing demands of the job.
·         Develop, and implement training programs to improve staff and partners capacity in the area of ICT.
·         Participate in regional/agency ICT initiatives.
·         Provide capacity building (training, coaching, on-the-job support) to staff and partners in ICT-related areas.

·         Prepare and provide weekly ICT service reports for country program, regional, and global ICT leadership. The reports should include data regarding service performance, key risks, current project status, and planned initiatives.

Supervisory Responsibilities:
·         Provide guidance and leadership to junior level ICT Officers and Global Service Desk technicians.

·         All other duties as assigned.

Internal: All CP staff, RISA, members of CRS ICT community, and owners of CRS business systems
External: CRS partners; Government agencies, Nethope, Peers from other NGOs in the country; and ICT services providers.

Qualifications and Work Experience:
·         Bachelor's degree in IT-related field (Computer Science, Computer Networking, Programming, and Information Systems). Significant work experience in a directly related field will be considered in lieu of degree.
·         A minimum of 2 years work-related experience.
·         Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate or equivalent.
·         Cisco Certified Network Associate or equivalent desirable.
·         Microsoft SharePoint Foundations training desirable.
·         Microsoft system administration experience.
·         Good grasp of complex network, security, mobile, desktop, server, telephony, and backup technologies in use within CRS.
·         Good grasp of application and database technologies in use within CRS.
·         ITIL Foundation Certified desired.

Knowledge and Skills:
·         Experience in introduction, design, implementation, and adoption of relevant technology and management tools.
·         Demonstrated proficiency in management of network/server software and hardware devices and platforms including WINTEL, Adobe Connect, and SharePoint platforms.
·         Solid grasp of evolving communication and data network/server technologies.
·         Solid grasp of network and server technology and tools.
·         Advanced-user level knowledge of agency-supported ICT4D solutions.
·         Solid knowledge of backup and disaster recovery systems.
·         Strong client-service focus; able to work with diverse groups of people in a team-oriented environment.
·         Skilled in obtaining information necessary to accomplish duties.
·         Able to prioritize work, multi-task and meet deadlines.
·         Problem analysis and problem resolution at functional level.
·         Able to quickly research, learn, and implement new technologies.
·         Able to communicate technical ideas and concerns in a non-technical environment.
·         Able to adapt and learn.
·         Ability to anticipate systems’ impact on organizational and user effectiveness.
·         Strong organization and planning skills, detail-oriented.
·         Maturity and discretion, able to work with, and maintain confidential information.
·         Fluency in written and spoken English; excellent written and oral communication skills.

Agency-wide Competencies (for all CRS Staff)
These are rooted in the mission, values, and principles of CRS and used by each staff member to fulfill his or her responsibilities and to achieve the desired results.
·         Serves with Integrity
·         Models Stewardship
·         Cultivates Constructive Relationships
·         Promotes Learning

Travel Requirements:
If based in Dili approximately 70% travel.

Suitable qualified female candidates are especially encouraged to apply

Sent a cover letter, current CV and professional references by email to or
Delivery by hand at CRS Dili Office at Rua Dom Alexio Corte Real, Mandarin, Dili or
CRS Baucau Office at Rua Samadigar Buibau, Baucau
Deadline : 10 November 2015 by 5pm the latest.
For further information and full job description please email the address above.
Only Short Listed Applicants will be contacted

Regional M&E Supervisor @ Care International

Internally & Externally
CARE International in Timor-Leste - CITL

Department / Project                    : Lafaek Learning Media Project
Position                                               : Regional M&E Supervisor
Supervising                                        : Field Officers in West region of Timor-Lest
Coordination Line                           : Deputy Project Manager, Project Coordinators
Grade                                                   : D1
Salary                                                    : From $536 per month plus benefits
Duty Station                                       : Temporarily in Dili with frequent travel to Project sites
Report to                                             : Deputy Project Manager for M&E and Learning
Contract period                                : November 16, 2015-June 30, 2016 with possibility of Multiyear 
                             Extension depends on work Performance

CARE is an international humanitarian organization, with a vision of empowering women and girls to fight poverty and bring lasting change to their communities. We work in over 80 countries around the world. We work with partners to achieve lasting results for marginalized communities.

People are CARE’s greatest assets. CARE international in Timor –Leste (CITL) ha s a diverse team of dedicated, talented professionals who work together to make a lasting impact.
Job Summary:
Under the guidance of the M&E Coordinator, the M&E supervisor will be implementing the M&E system in the field level, monitoring and ensuring high quality and timely inputs and ensuring that project activities are implemented in a cost effective and timely manner.
The Regional M&E Supervisor will be responsible for designing and implementing the M&E activities of the Project; monitor the project activities on a regular basis, developing and maintaining the MIS of the Project and will be responsible for the collection & analysis of different data in relation to the project activities.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1.       Work closely with the Lafaek Learning Media Project team and CARE’s Program Quality Unit to develop the M&E system. This includes development of project M&E database and tools based on the Project’s Logical Framework;
2.       Assume the overall responsibility for the implementation of the  project’s M&E plan in the field under the guidance and supervision of the Education Program Coordinator, M&E Coordinator and in coordination with Project Manager;
3.       Supervise and build the capacity of the M&E team members by providing on-the-job support to ensure effective implementation of the M&E activities at the field level;
4.       Ensure that the project gathers timely and accurate evidence-based information regarding project progress and that all information is properly  reported and archived;
5.       Ensure that the success stories are documented and reported and on a monthly basis;
6.       Lead the data entry, data verification, and cross checking process;
7.       Identify training needs, organize, and lead appropriate training sessions on the relevant M&E topics for the M&E team members, Field Officers, and partner organizations;
8.       Conduct frequent visits to all LLM project schools and communities – meet with school administrators, teachers, students, parents, and other community members to verify and collect relevant information;
9.       Provide support to project surveys, this includes baseline, midline  and end line evaluation;
10.    Liaise with the Ministry of Education, UNICEF and other relevant stakeholders to ensure access to EMIS data and other relevant databases/ research results in country, in cooperation with the project team.
11.    Any other task assigned by the supervisor.

Required qualifications:
·         Masters Degree in Education, statistics or equivalent
·         3 years of experience in designing and implementing M&E activities, preferably in Education programming
·         Demonstrated ability in the use of quantitative and qualitative methods including questionnaire design, survey techniques, and participatory approaches
·         Proven strong report writing skills, ability to present monitoring data and survey finding clearly
·         Strong organizational development skills and experience in development of and training for information and monitoring systems
·         Demonstrated ability to transfer knowledge through informal and formal trainings of staff
·         Proven strong participatory management and supervisory skills
·         Computer proficiency with MS Office, MS Access, Statistical Programs (et. STATA, SAS, SPSS)
·         Proven knowledge of Data Management methods and applications
·         Excellent oral and written communication skills in English
·         Ability to manage tight timelines and potentially stressful, shifting priorities and deadlines
·         Excellent attention to details
·         Able to work both independently and collaboratively
·         Superior interpersonal skills

In return of your commitment you will benefit from ongoing professional development fostered within an innovative and forward thinking environment, plus a comprehensive benefits package.

To apply to this position, please email your submit the application letter and Curriculum Vitae with two references (Please DO NOT attached the other documents) to OR to HR Unit, CARE International Timor-Leste, Bairo Pitte, Dili, OR by email before or by date deadline 8 November 2015. Only successful candidates will be contacted for the interview.
CARE is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

CARE International Timor-Leste is committed to protecting the rights of children in all areas we work. CARE International Timor-Leste reserves the right to conduct screening procedures to ensure a child-safe environment.
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