Monday, April 27, 2015

Counterpart International – Electoral Coordinator (5 National Positions) – CD 13 de Maio de 2015

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Counterpart International
Counterpart International

Counterpart International 


Job title
Electoral Coordinator (5 national positions)
Liquiça, Ermera, Baucau, Covalima and Oecusse with regular travel to remote areas as well as Dili.
Application deadline
May 13, 2015
Type of Contract
Short-Term Technical Assistance
Language(s) required
Tetum required; Local language and English preferred
Starting Date
May 2015
Duration of the contract
5 months

Counterpart International is implementing the four-year United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Ba Distrito project. The goal of the project is to improve local government’s ability to address community needs and increase its capacity to deliver services more effectively, efficiently and sustainably.  The Ba Distrito project is partnering with the Government of Timor-Leste in support of its efforts to improve services at the local level by strengthening the ability of institutions such as suco councils and justice sector agencies to engage with and represent the interests of citizens at the grassroots level. The goals of the Ba Distrito project are to 1) build the capacity of suco councils to strengthen citizen participation and representation in local governance; 2) improve communication and linkages between suco councils, administrative posts and municipal administrations; local GOTL line ministries and other providers of basic public services at the sub-national level; 3) improve the delivery of justice sector services by strengthening legal aid services and improving district court functionality;  and 4) to strengthen the capacity of Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL), in particular its election management bodies to hold fair, transparent, inclusive local elections and facilitate voter engagement in preparation for the national general election.
With the support and under the supervision of the Governance Manager, the ElectoralCoordinator will oversee all Ba Distrito election activities taking place inthe assignedmunicipality/region. In addition, to provide logistical support to Dili-based program staff on short-term assignments in the district, the ElectoralCoordinator will assist in the dissemination of information, facilitate and coordinate inclusive voter registration and civic education activities, and facilitate monitoring and evaluation of program activities and the activities implemented by local partners.
·         Conduct a training needs assessment for the National Commission for Election (CNE);
·         Develop and update training manuals, modules, training tools (including power point presentations) and facilitator’s manuals;
·         Develop simple tools to support trainees to implement key lessons from training;
·         Develop a comprehensive list of training materials needed to accompany and reinforce the training manuals (such as poster with key messages, videos,  etc.).
Minimum Requirements and Experience:
§  5 years or more experience developing effective training materials for adults with minimal levels of education;
§  Voter or civic education experience highly preferred;
§  Experience in effective rural community outreach;
§  Excellent written Tetum using the national orthography;  Strong English language skills highly preferred;
§  Excellent technical understanding of electoral system and the ability to learn quickly the legal framework governing the Timor-Leste context;
§  Prior experience working effectively as an advisor/mentor highly preferred.

Please submit a CV and cover letter to referencing the job title CNE-Training Specialist in the subject line.  Deadline for applications is close of business on May 13, 2015.

Counterpart International is a global development organization that empowers people and communities to implement innovative and enduring solutions to social, economic, and environmental challenges. For nearly 50 years, Counterpart has been forging partnerships with communities in need to address complex problems related to economic developmentfood security and nutrition, and building effective governance and institutions. For more information visit

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Moris Rasik NGO – INTERNAL AUDIT STAFF (Vaga 1) – CD 30 de Abril de 2015 APRIL 23, 2015 / LEAVE A COMMENT

Assuntu           : Anuncio Vaga
Pozisaun          : INTERNAL AUDIT STAFF (Vaga 1)
Tipu Vagas      : Kongkursu External

Moris Rasik loke Vaga ba Publiku ho Pozisaun Internal Audit Staff nain Ida (1) atu halao servisu iha Head Office Timor Plaza Dili, no sei halo Viajen ba Municipiu hotu iha Timor laran tomak.

Responsabilidade serbisu inklui:

Actividade Lapangan/Centro:
  1. Atu hare no akompanha serbisu Field Staff iha Center Meeting bazeia ba sircular no mos proseduria centru inkontru, Disiplina Field Staff no mos disiplina Klienti nian iha sentru.
  2. Identifika no revista CDS, Voucher, Passbook, Loan Passbook, Deposit Pass Book inklui Disbursment Sheet no mos dokumentus seluk tan nebe mak iha relasaun ho serbisu Field Staff nian iha centru.
Atividade Eskritorial nian:
  1. Revista Dokumentus hotu iha Unit/Branch no Regional hotu hanesan Voucher, CDS preparasaun, Proposta, Relatorius hotu-hotu inklui PAR, Cash Flow, Trial Balance no seluk-seluk tan
  2. Revista transaksaun iha Voucher, CDS Collection, Summary Sheet no mos Transaksaun seluk tan hodi kompara ho Data iha Sub Ledger.
  3. Revista HBFT nebe mak halao entre Unit ka Branch, Regiaun ho Head Office, no mos Atividade Transaksaun nebe mak halo ho Unit komponente sira seluk.
  4. Fraud detection
  5. Follow up ba membro/Kliente
  6. Halo Relatorio ba Manager Internal Audit Moris Rasik
  7. Servisu seluk tan nebee maka Chefe sira husu atu halao


  • Esensial
  1. Minimu iha Diploma Ensino Secundario ka Ensino Superior (Universidade)
  2. Iha Esperiensia serbisu kona-ba Internal Audit nian minimu Tinan 3
  3. Iha Esperiensia Serbisu Minimu Tinan 3 iha Area Micro Creditu ou sebisu Financeiru seluk, liu-liu iha area Gestão no Akontabilidade.
  4. Bele halao serbisu ho Komputador iha Programa Ms. Word, Ms. Excel no Ms. Power Point
  5. Iha Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik (Karta Bom Comportamentu) husi DNRN
  6. Prontu atu hela no halao serbisu iha area rurais liu-liu iha Municipiu hotu iha Timor Leste.
  • Importante:
  1. Iha Karta Konducão/SIM ba Motor.

Ba maluk Timor oan nebee iha Interese, bele haruka Ita-boot sira nia Aplikasaun (karta requerimentu, CV no seluk tan) ba iha Eskritoriu Moris Rasik nian iha Timor Plaza-Dili (Units 334/335 – 3rd Floor), bele mos liu husi Email ba; ou bele telephone ba numeru Telemovel HP +670 77357850 iha Oras Serbisu nian.Data hatama Aplikasaun hahu 23/04 – 30/04/2015

Requerimentu Derizi ba Managing Director Moris Rasik (Sra. Maria Aurora dos Reis).
Dili; 23 – Abril – 2015

(Calistro Oliveira da Costa L. Ec.)
Administration Manager

Moris Rasik NGO – REGIONAL MANAGER (Vaga 1) – CD 07 de Maio de 2015

Assuntu           : Anuncio Vaga
Pozisaun          : REGIONAL MANAGER (Vaga 1)
Tipu Vagas     : Kongkursu Internal

MR loke Vaga External ba Pozisaun Rejional Manager (RM) nain Ida (1). Baze serbisu ba Rejional Manager nian maka iha Rejional Office Lahane Ocidental no hola responsabilidade atu kontrola Branch Aileu, Unit Maubisse no Unit Same (Municipiu Tolu).

Responsabilidade serbisu Regional Manager nian inklui:
  • Reprezenta Moris Rasik iha Terenu
  • Organiza Rejiaun atu sae boot, forte no hetan susesu
  • Serbisu iha Operations Manager nia okos no kordena ho diak ho OM hodi garante katak operasoens lao duni tuir regras no kriteria
  • Superviziona U/BM sira
  • Vizita Unit/Branch sira tuir planu nebee estabelese fulan-fulan. Haree sira nia dokumentus loos ka lae, no kompletu ka lae;
  • Komfirma iha Unit sira kona-ba sira nia Portfolio Outstanding, Savings Balance no osan fiziku iha Brancash nia laran.
  • Kontrola PAR
  • Kontrola uza Asets Moris Rasik nian iha Rejiaun
  • Prepara relatoriu ida nebee deit Rejiaun nian atu hatama ba Operations Manager, tuir informasaun ida nebee lo-loos no mo-moos;
  • Identifika nesesidades treinamentu ba staff Rejiaun nian
  • Hatama ba OM propostas ka ideias foun ba atu hadia diak liu tan operasoens iha Rejiaun;
  • Vizita centru sira tuir planu nebee estabelese fulan-fulan. Koalia ho kliente sira, esplika tuir Moris Rasik nia produktus, servisus, misaun no vizaun. Rona klientes sira nia komentarius
  • Verifika centru nia engkontru no prosedimentus tuir duni regras ka lae;
  • Kordena ho OM kona-ba SME Loans no mos Salary Loans atu kontrola Credit Officer sira nia serbisu. Haree sira halao serbisu tuir duni regras no kriterias ka lae. Haree sira uza Asets tuir duni regras no kriterias ka lae.
  • Tulun OM atu halo konsolidasaun ba relatoriu no mos informasoens nebee MD presija
  • Partisipa iha engkontrus nivel Manajementu nian
  • Garante katak instalasaun no Implementasaun MIS/BR.Net lao ho susesu
  • Kontribui ba Politikas no estratejias Moris Rasik nian
  • Iha Inisiativa no bele serbisu ho supervijaun nebee minimu
  • Baze serbisu iha eskritoriu rejional.
  • Pronto atu halo viajen bei-beik
  • Pronto atu halo tan serbisu seluk karik xefe sira husu

  • Esensial
  1. Minimu iha Diploma Ensino Secundario ka Ensino Superior (Universidade)
  2. Iha Esperiensia Serbisu Minimu Tinan 3 iha Area Micro Creditu ou sebisu Financeiru seluk, liu-liu iha area Gestão no Akontabilidade.
  3. Bele halao serbisu ho Komputador iha Programa Ms. Word, Ms. Excel no Ms. Power Point
  4. Iha Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik (Karta Bom Comportamentu) husi DNRN
  5. Prontu atu hela no halao serbisu iha Area Rurais liu-liu iha Municipiu tolu hanesan Aileu, Ainaro no Same.

  • Importante:
  1. Iha Karta Konducão/SIM ba Motor.

Ba maluk Timor oan nebee iha Interese, bele haruka Ita-boot sira nia Aplikasaun (karta requerimentu, CV no seluk tan) ba iha Eskritoriu Moris Rasik nian iha Timor Plaza-Dili (Units 334/335 – 3rd Floor), bele mos liu husi Email ba; ou bele telephone ba numeru Telemovel HP +670 77357850 iha Oras Serbisu nian.

  • Requerimentu Derizi ba Managing Director Moris Rasik ( Maria Aurora dos Reis).

  • Data hatama Aplikasaun hahu 23/04 – 07/05/2015

Dili; 23 – Abril – 2015

Calistro Oliveira da Costa L. Ec.
Administration Manager